Here’s the weekly selection of links. Thanks for reading, and please note this blog will be on a week’s holiday-enforced hiatus from . . . now.
- Entrepreneur plans world’s biggest art gallery on UK billboards. 15,000 displays of British art to go up soon. Street Fine Art or Fine Street Art?
- Check your phone and laptop at the door and welcome to the Marina Abramović. There has been talk of a performance art cult
- Eduardo Chillida comes indoors for a Mayfair show of the monumental sculptor’s work. Read about that, and his sporting endeavours, in an otherwise luke warm review
- At last an MA thesis which could prove useful to a financially burdened grad. We Make Money Not Art interviews Larraine Henning about the art of squatting
- Check out the newest addition to my blogroll: kdoutsiderart. Kate Davey writes well informed pieces about outsider art, such as this, her latest post, on Alfred Wallis
- I loved this piece on web reading habits from Slate (by Farhad Manjoo), and yes I did read to the end. I read all these links to the end
- Beautiful/Decay lives up to at least the second half of its name with a suite of photos from a new Chapman Brothers show in Hong Kong: “pessimistic in a joyful senseâ€.
- A colourful review of a colourful painter, Adriam Hamilton takes a look at Chagall, Tate Liverpool, and writes it up for the Independent
- Blouin Art Info reports on a Major Pissarro exhibition which opens in Madrid. A chance to see why Cezanne called the painter “humble and colossalâ€
- George Sugarman may be an equally neglected artist. Hyperallergic reviews his show at Gary Snyder Gallery, New York.