My abiding memory of September 11 is soul searching about the point of starting an MA in one of the bars at the University of Sussex. Not sure that we ever reached any conclusion:
- Jerry Saltz, however, was collecting missing person posters and you can read his confession of sorts on artnet.
- For all other 9/11 links, please see what Hrag Vartanian has to say on Hyperallergic. His experiences of the NSEERS program are quite shocking.
- Certain New York residents aren’t at all bothered by this weekend’s anniversary, ie; the pigeons which appear in an NYT slideshow from photographer Andrew Garn.
- With the approach of this momentous anniversary, Guardian columnist Jonathan Jones has been in two minds. First he says we’re all doomed. Then concludes everything will be alright.
- Isn’t it about time someone explored the connections between socialist realism and glam rock? No, you might be thinking, but too late (via @artfagcity).
- Meanwhile Karl Marx finds himself having to confront Andy Warhol in a chucklesome animation by artist Pedro Reyes. This comes courtesy of Eyeteeth journal.
- Elsewhere the worlds of sociology and modelling collide in a plucked-eyebrow raising piece by Libby Copeland in Salon. Many do get out of bed for less than $10,000.
- Edward Winkleman asks if prices keep going up, is the value of art going down, in a disturbing blog post.
- The Independent publish an A to Z of postmodernism. D is for deconstruction. N is for New Order(!) And X, Y Z work out pretty good too.
- It is intriguing that former Prime Minister Gordon Brown was so keen on this painting.