Your usual mix of the good, the bad and the trivial (art stories from around the web):
- Look on the bright side of any imminent apocalypse. Colleen Fitzgibbon interviews filmmaker Ben Rivers for BOMB Magazine
- Found poetry of Google autocomplete demonstrates that the hivemind sure has an active muse. Read about it on Hyperallergic
- Here’s a radical public toilet deisgn for the Ichibara arts festival in Japan. For the call of nature look no further than Faith is Torment
- More rad architecture: a glittering pizza oven inspired by the golden age of Italian disco (from Colossal)
- John Lewis Christmas ad flagged up at Fast Company Create (and the bear looks a bit like football manager Harry Redknapp)
- In case you were in any doubt about what a strange place Russia has become, here’s a police choir singing Daft Punk (via Rowan Early)
- Pyotr Pavlensky has clearly not seen the above and as a result nailed a delicate part of his anatomy to Red Square, as the Guardian reports
- And where are the police when you need them; this animated dummy from David Lewandowski must be stopped (thanks @thebenstreet)
- An exhaustive site dedicated to knitting instructions for the scarf or scarves once worn by Tom Baker in Doctor Who. Beyond nerdy (ta @markscottwood)
- Here’s a form of rememberance we can all get behind: deets on Joe Sacco’s 24ft long panorama of the Western Front via @SebastianSmee.