Found Objects 31/10/11

Resisting the temptation to do a Halloween special, here are a bunch of largely unfrightening links. Enjoy:

  • As the art world’s most eminent reflect on where they stand in the Power 100 in Art Review, Hyperallergic completes the picture with the Powerless 20. Funny it is too.
  • Carsten Höller’s show at the New Museum sound like the most fun you can have with your clothes on and. in one exhibit, off. Carolina Miranda captures the excitement for WNYC.
  • Most alarming news this week comes from this Q&A with Alex Katz in which the octagenarian painter claims to do 300 push ups and 400 sit ups every day (Hat tip: @ArtObserved).
  • Alistair Gentry casts a merciless eye around just about every private view you’ve ever been to and compiles a priceless spotter’s guide to the gallery.
  • Not sure what is more inspired about this, the animation or the soundtrack. Beautiful Decay posts a morphtastic film by Allison Schulnik.
  • Be warned: these art-inspired Halloween costumeson Art Info are not the most practical, except perhaps a blood-stained nurse by Richard Prince
  • If you haven’t yet heard about this film for chimpanzees, now might be the time to read about Primate Cinema by We Make Money Not Art.
  • Chloe Nelkin is bowled over by Soviet Art and Architecture at the RA. Sounds like a rare glimpse of some buildings with a limited life expectancy.
  • On Spatial Narratives, you’ll find a dreamy account of a vegetative intervention in a lab foyer in Paris. Nice to discover the meaning of phytoremediation.
  • There’s a factually poetic snippet in Frieze about human culture travelling through Space.

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