A focussed set of Found Objects this week as it proves time to crank up the blog again after an extended holiday season. Good to be back.
- Brighton might be the UK piercing capital, but even we would look twice at these Thai festival goers. Check out the gallery by Guillaume Megevand on Beautiful Decay.
- Another collection of photos got flagged up on Twitter over the last fortnight. This time, it’s female Russian museum guards by Andy Freeberg on Slate (via @rosieclarke).
- More photos! These are from the Tokyo Times and represent that paper’s pick of its published pics from 2012
- Here’s a longread from photography blog American Suburb X: not photos but a republished interview with filmmaker Sergio Leone.
- Steve Bell looks back at the year in cartoons on the Guardian website. A must for anyone with an interest in UK politics.
- The same paper meanwhile donates a few hundred words to Grayson Perry, who talks about his earliest stabs at making art (his uncannyily clairvoyant art, one might add)
- Art Fag City link to a film about Olaf Breuning. His 1%/99% piece looks like a suitably unsettling comment on our unsettling times.
- On a lighter note: some insane graffiti writers from Animal New York. And the Onion reports on a boring conversation on a plane (thanks Adrian Hyland).
- Finally Richard Moss, Editor at Culture24, has compiled an exhaustive look ahead to the exxhibtions taking place in Britain this year.: just. can’t. wait.