Industrial House in Conway Street Hove looks just as workmanlike as its name would suggest. If I was a councillor presented with the chance to knock it down, I just might.
But having been inside the office-like space, the industry seems to be altogether more interesting than, say, just the embroidery of sports logos. Inside they are making art.
So perhaps the resident sportswear business should have taken over the whole building. Chances are that way all talk of demolition could be avoided. Logos have clear social value.
Art, as usual, is viewed as a marginal, obsolete activity. But there are 18 diverse artists currently working in APEC studios, housed in this building for almost 10 years.
They range in age from 23 to more than 70. They are players in a city art scene which already suffers from lack of galleries and affordable space in which to make art.
Now they face eviction. Shame that grants were once secured in good faith to set up APEC. Money donated by Arts Council England and Co-operative Finance, counts for nought.
That’s not to mention the contributions of founding members, many of whom gave up their time and skills to transform the interior into workable units of creative space.
Good news is, since this is Christmas, you can help. APEC need just 1250 signatures to prompt a debate on this matter in a full council meeting.
“Workshops, office space, studios, storage and other premises remain affordable, appropriate and available for use,†said the council. Can’t put it much better than that.
Please take a moment to sign the APEC petition by Friday at the latest. We can and should hold Brighton Council to their word on this.